Sunday, July 28, 2019

DET course in London – the level-5 teaching qualification for you

If you have completed the Award in Education and Training (AET course), then there are quite a few options that you can look into. To begin with, you can seek an open job scope in the educational institutes in your area or work as a volunteer to gain experience. Alternatively, you can also decide to join the DET course in London to further increase your chances of becoming a qualified teacher in the UK.

Things to know about the DET course in London

The DET course in London offers a level-5 certificate that validates their theoretical learning and practical skills necessary to work in the teaching field. This is a practical skill training course that covers the various essential techniques of processes that are relevant to the job role of a teacher.  This includes both academic and non-academic administrative skills necessary to help the learners during the course sessions.

Currently, the DET course is offered in two versions – the traditional classroom-based training option and an online video session-based training. Both of the options have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Thus it is necessary for the candidates to compare out both of the options to ensure that they have decided on the best option.

Let us compare out the two options to develop a better understanding of which option is best for the candidates and why.

Comparing the DET course options

The online training of the DET course in London offers the candidate with the freedom and flexibility, much essential if they are currently working anywhere. The classroom-based session requires the candidates to physically attend the classroom sessions and in order to learn the course modules. The online option beats the traditional approach as the candidate can continue with the course progress from any place at any time as long as they have an active internet connection. This cut down the pressure of being absent or resigning from the current duty and enables the candidates to carry on with the course in a parallel manner. It further helps to save time, effort and money that would be required for travelling.

The traditional options allow the candidates to have direct access with the trainer to discuss issues on a face-to-face basis. For the online training options, the candidates can access face-to-face video chat sessions to discuss the doubts on the training modules. The training modules and assessment procedures are more or less the same for both the options and require the candidates to have access to 100 hours of inclusive teaching practice at the least. This not only helps to enhance the experience of the candidates but also helps in the practice assessment of the candidate as these training sessions will be used to evaluate the practical skills of the candidates.

Before you decide on a single option, get in touch with some of the leading training providers in your area and discuss the doubts you have about the course. If you have completed the AET course, you can even enjoy a couple of credits towards this course and use it to your advantage.

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